What is a Pho and How to eat it?
When you have recently scrolled through the list of popular Vietnamese food, you would have come across the dish known as Pho. You must be eager to know what does Pho means and how would it taste. Here is the entire detail of Pho and how to eat it. What is Pho? Pho, which is pronounced as “fuh”, is a type of soup in Vietnamese cuisine that has many variants to it. It is usually prepared with banh pho noodles, bone-beef broth, and thinly sliced beef. Pho is often served alongside fresh herbs and bean sprouts. Do not confuse Pho with Japanese ramen, which is usually made with wheat noodles, rice noodles are used to make Pho. There are many variations of Pho in Victoria, most common being Pho Nam that is originated in Southern Vietnam and Pho bac which is originated in Northern Vietnam is also considered as the original Pho. How to eat Pho Pho Bo that is beef pho is normally served with a large bowl of broth and rice noodles. A thinly sliced raw beef and a plate of fresh...