Four health benefits of Pho
Pho is a Vietnamese soup made with broth, rice noodles, herbs, vegetables and thinly sliced meat, tofu or poultry. While most commonly eaten during colder months, many restaurants started serving this soup throughout the year and different outlets, making it all around the world. Pho may seem like a basic soup, but its ingredients offer more than just a taste, here are four health benefits of Pho: 1- Nutritious Ingredient: A bone broth may promote joint health; addition of ginger helps reduction of inflammation & the freshly used vegetables and herbs are a great source of nutrition. 2- Good Source of protein: Most of the Pho’s ingredients contain beef, pork, chicken or tofu. Making it an excellent source of protein, sufficient intake of protein works a building block for making muscles, tendons, bones, skin, etc. 3- Gluten-free: Pho majorly contains rice noodles, which acts as a gluten-free substitute. If all the ingredients are appropriat...