The complexity of the broth in pho
If there is one dish that Vietnamese cuisine is known for, it is pho, the national dish of the country. The simple and delicious broth, filled with noodles, spices, and veggies, is packed full of flavors, and its popularity has spread far and wide from its country of origin. But, is a bowl of pho in Victoria as simple as it looks? The answer is no! At first glance, you might think that it’s just another noodle soup with not much imagination involved in it. But, pho has a highly intrinsic and complex taste. Star anise is the most important herb in pho, the characteristic aromas of the dish also come to life through shallots or onions that are grilled while they are unpeeled. The subtle spiciness of the broth comes from fresh ginger, which can either be grilled or added as it is. You can add cardamom and cinnamon, but that is a matter of personal taste. An important aspect of making the perfect is making sure that the cooking process is long (8 to 14 hours) and the beef ...