Try Pho from the Best Vietnamese Culinary Expert in Victoria

Pho is one of the most delicious and refreshing Vietnamese comfort foods that became highly popular in 20th century, making it the national dish of Vietnam. Pho is basically a noodle soup generally made of banh pho noodles, broth of the protein, and thinly sliced beef or other proteins. And it is served with fresh herbs, bean sprouts, and freshly cut chilis on the side. It offers a great warmth in the winter and refreshment in the summer. There are many different versions of this dish, and most of them are equally delectable all around the world. This is one of the signature dishes of Vietnam that you must try once in your lifetime, whether you are a food enthusiast or not. Try the most authentic Pho in Victoria and explore the Vietnamese food culture at its best. There are many different types of Pho soups available, such as: PhởHàNộimeans Hanoi-style pho PhởBòmeans beef pho PhởGàmeanschicken pho PhởCámeansfish pho PhởMựcmeanssquid pho PhởTíumeans stir-fried pho with pork P...