Pho: the national food of Vietnam

How did Pho become the staple food of Vietnam? Although many Vietnamese people claim that Pho originated during the French colonial period, some say that they ate Pho long before it. But the modern dish emerged in Hanoi which is in northern Vietnam. Since nobody could properly say when it originated, there are still differences in opinion as to how it was developed over a period of time. It is the most common household breakfast of the people and is served almost everywhere starting from street sides to restaurants. If you are eager to try out the best pho, Victoria’s restaurants serve it in its original delicious taste. How is the best pho in Victoria prepared? Since it is one of the favorite dishes among the people of Vietnam, it is prepared in a very special way too. First, the broth is boiled and poured into the rice noodle which is soft and flat. Sliced meat like beef or pork or sometimes Chicken is added to it. Then some herbs and chives are topped with it. The dish can be cus...