Which manners should you follow while ordering food at the pho?

Fine dining lives up to its name because of the wonderful ambiance and the delectable dishes that are on offer. However, dressing up right is not the only etiquette that you must follow when visiting a fine dining place. There are several basic rules and manners that people fail to pay respect to when they visit a high-end restaurant. The following are some of the basic etiquettes that one must follow when visiting a best Pho Victoria. Etiquettes with the waiter Flailing the arms impatiently to capture the attention of the waiter is not going to look too good on you at a fine dining restaurant. Make eye contact with the waiters and raise your index finger slightly to call the waiter to your table. Looking down on the menu in the best Pho Victoria and speaking in monosyllables when talking to the waiter also looks rude. At the time of ordering It shows good manners when you let your guests order first and order the same number of courses as your guest does. Do not announce the price...