Importance of Vietnamese Food

Philosophical Importance Vietnamese cuisine is based on a balance of five elements Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Vietnamese food in Victoria include five types of nutrients along with the five senses that appeal to the gastronomes. Those five fundamental taste sense elements are as follows:

1. Wood - Wood depicts a sour taste that corresponds to the organ of the gall bladder. It indicates green Color, with a visual sense and has carbohydrates as its nutrients.

2. Fire – Fire depicts a bitter taste that corresponds to the organ of the small intestine. It indicates a red color with a sense of taste and has fats as its nutrients.

3. Earth – Earth depicts a sweet taste that corresponds to the organ Stomach. It indicates a yellow color with a sense of touch and has protein as its nutrient.

4. Metal – Metal depicts a spicy taste that corresponds to the organ Large intestine. It indicates white color with a sense of smell and has minerals as its nutrients.

5. Water – Water depicts a salty taste that corresponds to the organ urinary bladder. It indicates black color with a sense of sound and has water as its nutrients.

Yin-yang balance

Here, the Heating and cooling properties of an ingredient are considered when cooking Vietnamese food Victoria. The Principle of Yin Yang focuses on composing a meal in a certain way that proves beneficial and provides balance to the body. Certain dishes are served in the specific season to provide similarity in temperature and spiciness of the food and the environment. For example, Duck meat, which is cool, is served in hot summer with ginger sauce that is warm. Alternatively, chicken, which is warm and pork, which is hot are eaten in the winter season.

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