What are the different types of Pho?

Pho is the most classic and traditional Vietnamese soup made with bone broth, vermicelli, and thinly sliced ​​meat, especially beef. Pho in Victoria can also be served with bean sprouts, fresh herbs, lime, chilli, and other side dishes. The origin of Pho is somewhat unclear, but it is generally believed to have originated in northern Vietnam in the early 20th century. After the division of the country in 1954, they eventually migrated to the South and gained more popularity. There are two types of Pho available.

Pho Bac

Pho Bac is considered the original Pho dish and is a North Vietnamese Pho. It is known for its softer, translucent bone broth, wide noodles, and extra scallions. This Pho in Victoria put more emphasis on boiled beef bones. 

 Pho Nam

South Vietnamese Pho, called Pho Nam, is known for its heavier broth and thinner noodles. In the South, meat plays a bigger role, where it usually uses many parts of the beef, including the bones, tendons, and breast, and, generally, decorated with bean sprouts and fresh herbs.

How to eat Pho?

You need big bowls to offer enough room for all those delicious ingredients! Place the noodles and raw meat in a bowl and pour the hot broth over it. Set up the sidebar and choose your favourite toppings. Because the sauce contains so many ingredients, Pho in Victoria is often eaten with two cutleries, a spoon, and chopsticks. Chopsticks help collect the garnish, while spoons are used to pour the broth.

Although the above are the traditional Vietnamese Pho recipes, the modern techniques have influenced many more Pho-inspired recipes. If you want to try them out, consider checking out Pho Halong Restaurant and enjoy authentic Vietnamese dishes. 

To know more about Pho Victoria please visit our website:phohalong.ca


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