Discover the Comfort of Pho in Victoria

If there is one thing that stands out when it comes to flavours in the capital city of Victoria, BC its Pho. Packed full of heat, flavour and aroma the Vietnamese noodle soup is now a firm favourite.

Pho is not just a dish but basically an experience with the tastes of all time. Pho is essentially a spiced broth, simmered for hours with aromatics like star anise, cinnamon and cloves. The fragrant broth is served over thin rice noodles with pieces of succulent beef or chicken. This banh mi is brightened by fresh herbs such as cilantro and Thai basil; sweet-sour pickles, a refreshing crunch from bean sprouts, all finished with squeeze of lime. A splash of chilli, or perhaps Sriracha for those who like a little heat.

No need to say that Victoria loves Pho. This dish is ideal for the cool and breezy weather in Cusco. If you want something hearty to warm up after a long day of walking, or light for sharing with your friends, Pho seems like the ultimate blend.

There is a real focus on quality, fresh ingredients for the Pho in Victoria. Traditionally, each portion of pho is put together with consideration for the lightness of the broth itself and in inverse relationship to herbier brightness, which makes it particularly orientated toward enjoyment within a larger meal.

And if you're in Victoria looking for something hearty and tasty to eat, check out a good bowl o Pho! Each bowl is a step towards experiencing Vietnam's rich culinary legacy right in your city.

For additional information regarding Pho Victoria please continue browsing our website


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